Erwan Robyn
Erwan ROBYN obtained a bachelor degree in Physics at the University Rennes 1 in 2018, and a master degree in Subatomic Physics and Cosmology at the University of Grenoble-Alpes.
During his first year of master he did an internship under the supervision of Dr. Laurent Derôme at the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmology in Grenoble. The purpose of this internship was to perform an isotopic analysis of the Lithium flux using data collected by AMS-02. Then he did a second internship in the AMS collaboration during his second year of master, under the supervision of Dr. Mercedes Paniccia at the University of Geneva. During this internship he worked on the measurement of the Sulfur nuclei flux with the AMS-02 data.
Since September 2020 he is a PhD student at the University of Geneva; he's working on the measurements of heavy nuclei fluxes and he's contributing to the monitoring of the AMS-02 Tracker, TRD and ACC data-taking and operations.