46.065451, 11.150573
More than 60 physicists and engineers from six universities and INFN units contributed to the AMS construction and commissioning, development of the data analysis tools and ground segment infrastructures.
Italian researchers, thanks to the support of INFN and ASI, have been responsible for the realization of four out of the five AMS sub-detectors (namely TOF, TRACKER, RICH, ECAL) and for the electronics of the TRD gas control system. Italian industries developed the thermal control and power distribution systems, the RICH conical mirror and the silicon sensors for the Tracker system.
Italian effort has continued uninterruptedly along the years in the:
- operation and monitoring of AMS at the CERN POCC;
- calibration and verification of detector performances;
- data analysis and computing support;
- space qualification of the new UTTPS system.
An integral master copy of the AMS-02 data is preserved at the CNAF, the INFN computing data center where 15k HEP-SPEC06 of CPU and 2Pbyte of disk are available for AMS-02 data processing and Monte Carlo simulation. All public data from AMS-02 are easily retrievable from the ASI Space Science Data Center.
The Trento group was born in 2013, following the transfer of Professor R. Battiston, founding member in 1994 of AMS and former AMS-02 deputy spokesperson, together with few other key persons from the Perugia University and INFN and MIT to the Trento University. In Trento the AMS team had a key role in the founding of the new INFN – Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA).
The Trento group contributes directly on AMS operations, supporting detector data taking in orbit and Tracker operation at the CERN POCC, and is active on the data analysis aimed at both physics and detector performance studies.
Contributions to detector calibration have included studies on ECAL calibration and linearity correction, as well a study on single ECAL cell saturation.
This allowed to produce an alternative MVA estimator for e/p separation.
The science data analysis includes measurements of electron flux, high energy anti-proton flux, helium isotope ratio, proton deuterium isotope ratio and search for anti-deuteron.
Currently the AMS-02 group in Trento consists of 5 staff members – Trento University and INFN-TIFPA – and one post-doc fellow.
Former staff & post-doc members of the Trento group include: B. Coste, L. Pieri, L. Basara, K. Khanishev.