Divic Rapin
Divic RAPIN studied Physics at University of Geneva where he obtained Master in 1972 and PhD in 1978.
Besides his University teaching activities, he was first involved in medium-energy particle physics in an experimental program measuring the nucleon-nucleon interaction, with polarized beam, polarized target and analysis of final polarization.
Proton-proton measurements started in 1972 at CERN-SC and continued at SIN (now PSI) from 1974 to 1983. Neutron-proton channel was measured at PSI and LNS-Saclay from 1986 to 1995.
From 1981 to 1993 he worked at the CERN low energy anti-proton ring LEAR, to measure antinucleon-nucleon interaction.
In 1996, he moved to astro-particle domain with AMS-01. He participated in Tracker construction, in control operations during the 1998 flight and in calibrations with particle beams at GSI-Darmstadt and at CERN.
From 1999, for AMS-02, he was involved in the design of the Tracker and of its electronics. He organized and ran various tests with particle beams. He was engaged in the integration and cabling of the Tracker in the AMS-02 spectrometer. He participated in activating and operating the detector in space, from NASA Johnson Space Center and from CERN.