Jiahui Wei
Jiahui Wei obtained his bachelor's degree in physics at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, and worked on the measurements of branching fractions of some PP (pseudoscalar meson) decays of $D^0$ and $D^+$ at the BESIII (BEijing Spectrometer) collaboration.
He joined the AMS-02 group at University of Geneva as a PhD student since 2017 supported by a grant from the China Scholarship Council. He graduated in 2021 with his thesis focusing on the measurement of isotopic composition of cosmic-ray Beryllium.
He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology, and is currently collaborating with the AMS-02 group at the University of Geneva under an exchange agreement between the two institutes.
He is working on the measurement of cosmic-ray isotopes, and also contributes to detector monitoring activities at the AMS Payload and Operation Center at CERN, staffing the TEE consoles.