Solar Modulation of Cosmic Nuclei over a Solar Cycle: Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
We report the properties of precision time structures of cosmic nuclei He, Li, Be, B, C, N, and O fluxes over an 11-year solar cycle from May 2011 to November 2022 in the rigidity range from 1.92 to 60.3 GV. The nuclei fluxes show similar but not identical time variations with amplitudes decreasing with increasing rigidity. In particular, below 3.64 GV the Li, Be, and B fluxes, and below 2.15 GV the C, N, and O fluxes, are significantly less affected by solar modulation than the He flux. We observe that these differences in solar modulation are linearly correlated with the differences in the spectral indices of the cosmic nuclei fluxes. This shows, in a model-independent way, that solar modulation of galactic cosmic nuclei depends on their spectral shape. In addition, solar modulation differences due to nuclei velocity dependence on the mass-to-charge ratio (𝐴/𝑍) are not observed.
Download the tableHelium fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableLithium fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableBeryllium fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableBoron fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableCarbon fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableNitrogen fluxes for each Bartels rotation
Download the tableOxygen fluxes for each Bartels rotation
The CRDB at LPSC/IN2P3/CNRS, online since 2013, is fully described in Maurin et al. (2014, 2020)
The CRDB © SSDC is developed at the Space Science Data Center, a facility of the Italian Space Agency (ASI).